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Let the planting begin! Waikato RiverCare projects ready for a makeover

August marks the start of Waikato RiverCare’s busy 2015 planting programme. By the end of this year’s planting season, Waikato RiverCare aims to have planted 31,749 plants on six different projects throughout the Lower Waikato River catchment. Local contractors, Waterside Planters Limited, based at Taupiri have been engaged to undertake the project planting which is expected to be completed by the first week of September.

The team from Waterside Planters Limited enjoying a beautiful frosty Waikato morning after a wet start to the week

The team from Waterside Planters Limited enjoying a beautiful frosty Waikato morning after a wet start to the week

With the fencing excluding stock access to the site having been completed in May, Taupiri Ki Weanganui project is progressing well with 10,445 plants having been put in the ground already this month. Another, 3,200 plants are planned to be planted by a group of volunteers in October.

Phase 1 of Te Awa River Ride project in Ngaruawahia South is getting a makeover with 5,081 plants going in the ground this season. These plants will eventually create shade and a natural environment for cyclists making use of the new bike track. Phase 2 of this project is currently being prepped with weed control for the 2016 planting season.

Hakarimata E will receive 7,266 plants this season before a final planting of 710 slow growing, long-lived plants takes place next year. These plants include Kanuka, Titoki, Kowhai and Mahoe which will take some time to mature but will, in the long run, greatly benefit the stability and self-sustainability of the site.

Our special thanks goes out to Waikato River Authority, Waikato Ecological Enhancement Trust, and Waikato Regional Council for being key funders in these projects.

However, because Waikato RiverCare values sustainability, once a site has been planted, that is not the end of the job. Waikato RiverCare ensures that maintenance is kept up until the site is established and able to continue development on its own.

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